Cold, snowy, and indoorsy.
Jan 1, 2022
First big snow of the year. It's probably close to negative infinity outside. Eight fresh inches of snow. I'm in between terms at Luther. Perfect day to stay inside and play radio. I'm still  
Fra-gee-lee - It's A Major Award!
Apr 22, 2021
As eluded to in a prior post, there was some question of whether I'd acheive my QCWA status next year before getting my basic WAS award. Well, as of about a week ago, I've officially worked them  
And then there was one...
Mar 23, 2021
I've often joked over the years that, at my pace of confirming contacts with all 50 US states, I'd achieve membership in the QCWA before I earned my basic Worked All States (WAS) award. Yes, basic,  
Don't Mind Me, Saving These for Later
Feb 24, 2021
I don't want to research bookmarks on my blog. This works for  
FD 2020 Results
Feb 18, 2021
While browsing the web I noticed that the ARRL Intl DX CW contest is this weekend. (These things always have a way of sneaking up on me.) That reminded me that I never looked to see where I finished  
Well that was... fun.
Feb 18, 2021
A few days ago, I popped over here to write about how I'd accidentally found myself in three separate state QSO parties and how fun it was. (Link to follow.) But when I got there, the site didn't  
Tower Update
Jul 11, 2020
I finally got the mast and rotor on the tower a few weeks ago. It was an effort to say the least. It took at least five separate trips to get it all done. First to install a new rotor plate, then to  
2020 Field Day - A Fun One
Jul 9, 2020
I put forth more effort for this year's ARRL Field Day than I had for many years. Namely, I did more than just flip on the radio and sporadically operate. I did a full-on 1B setup with the intent of