
Hoping to be Back on 2m SSB

One of the things I always loved about ham radio but never do much with is VHF DXing. Back when I was a Technician, the closest thing I got to long-distance contacts was on 2m SSB. My rig at the time was an IC-211 with a horizontal j-pole duct taped to the shack wall. Even with 10 watts I still managed to snag a few contacts. 

A few years back, at my old home, I had a 10-element beam at about 15 feet with which I'd regularly work stations about 300 miles out. I've lived at the new place about 7 years and am finally getting around to putting the antenna back up. This time however I've got 40' of tower to work with, along with a 50w rig. Woot! That should certainly snag a few extra QSO's.

2m SSB Tutorial



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